Tokens does several custom projects each year and would love to work with you and your materials. See below for a sampling of our past projects and visit our FAQs at bottom of this page. We look forward to hearing from you!

Jagr's 700th Goal

Jagr's 700th Goal

Artifact: Goal net

Recipient: New Jersey Devils

Product Solution: Sterling Silver Cuff Links

Date of Project: March 2014

New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange

Artifact: Wood Floor from the New York Stock Exchange

Concept: Share with Members of Financial Community

Product Solution: Sterling Silver Cuff Links & Pens

Date of Project: February 2014

Wilt Chamberlain's 100-Point Game

Wilt Chamberlain's 100-Point Game

Artifact: Hershey Park Arena Basketball Floor

Concept: Gifts to Celebrate Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point game in 1962

Recipients: A Philadelphia Civic Community Group

Date of Project: April 2012

Madison Square Garden Championship Floor

Madison Square Garden Championship Floor

Artifact: Madison Square Garden 1970 & 1973 Championship Floor

Source: Directly from Madison Square Garden

Product Solution: Bottle Openers, Cuff Links, Pens, Furniture

Date of Project: March 2008


Yes, however for most items, we try to think about the recipient, and find that placing the logo on the accompanying authenticity card shows not only who is doing the giving but also allows the piece itself to get more touches, and hopefully be more touching.

We are happy to look into, but our own black gift boxes are of high quality and factory box minimum quantities can be very high.

Anything.  Wood, metal, plastic, paper, fabric, carbon fiber, stone... we love a challenge.  We are seldom stumped, though a fireplace brick from an Inn where Abraham Lincoln once stayed fell apart in our hands, as did the project.

Any artifacts transferred to us remain the property of the client. We can either return the remnants at the end of the project or store in our warehouse should a future project be considered.

Everything depends on the material itself and what we are making.  Typically bottle openers, cuff links & pendants take less time than pens and watches, while wallets are in between.

Yes, we do belong to PPAI however, as we are not printing a logo on a blank, we don't offer fixed promotional pricing tiers.  We do, of course, offer discounts based on quantity.

We pick up the phone


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