More About the Bases__mlb-game-used-base-stool-FAQ
How many bases are used in a game?
Bases are typically swapped out at the end of the 3rd and 6th innings. Some get cleaned and will reappear in future games, others get pulled out and made available in Stadium shops and to game used memorabilia collectors.
Bases may be from the current season but also could be from the past several seasons.
If the base is dirty will it stain my pants?
Is it comfortable to sit on?
The bases are made of a durable vinyl so they are rigid. Perfect for a drink at the bar our counter. You may want to head to the sofa our recliner when the game starts.
I have my own base, do you sell just the steel frame?
Yes. Please be sure you have the field anchor (the metal plate with the pin that secures the base to the infield) so that you can mount your base atop the frame. Shop Base Stool Frame